Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

About Us

Hi Friends, welcome to Dimsum Ucak, the simple restaurant with the greatest taste, we are a unique flavor and we serve you as a humble character, let us introduce to you Dimsum Ucak, this is the place where you feel the greatest taste of Dimsum, come and join with us, to feel the unforgettable moment when we share our delicious Dimsum.

We serve with our heart to our customers and now they all satisfied with our taste, they usually return to us with their friends or families, its sign that our Dimsum and the other menu that we serve to them is the Dimsum which is makes you too difficult to forget and too easy to remember".

As you know, we would like to look to the future, to expand our own business, to make this business larger than today, we are open our business as a franchise, to those who like business, you would be able to be our partner business, enjoy our profit at least Rp 3 Million/Month to Rp 10 Million/Month.

Thank you very much for you attention, lets share our life with the most delicious Dimsum, You won't regret, on the contrary you'll feel our greatest taste that makes you "Too Difficult to forget, Too Easy To Remember" 

Best Regards
Yusak Manuputty

Resep Dim Sum

250 gr daging ayam
150 gr udang kupas cincang
75 gr rebung/bengkuang (aku pakai bengkuang)
4 jamur hioko kering, rendam air panas 1 jam dan cincang
1 sdm ang ciu
2 sdm kanji
1 putih telur
1 sdm kecap manis
1 sdm minyak wijen
1 sdt gula pasir
1 1/2 sdt garam
1 1/2 sdt merica bubuk

20 lbr kulit pangsit diameter 8-10
Ambil selembar kulit pangsit, beri 1 sdm adonan isi. Tarik pinggirnya dgn kelima jari, tekan2. Kukus 30 menit.